This 2023 NY Invasive Species Awareness Week (June 5 -11),we were approached by GROWExternships, a non-profit organization that trains young people from disadvantaged communities on how to restore native habitat. They were planning a fundraiser lunch, and wanted to come out from New York City to forage here on Long Island for invasive plants to put on the menu.
Their externs work in Hawaii and Japan, learning the flora and fauna of each place while removing the many invasive plants. Their mission is quite aligned with ours, but on a global level. We were delighted then to find that we could help them in preparing for their Invasive Species Plate Lunch, Fish Fry And Art Show, which takes place June 11th between 11-3 at Prime Produce, a social incubator at at 424 West 54th Street in Manhattan.
Click on the image below to order your lunch and with that help support GROWExternships in their efforts to train the next generation on how to be good local stewards!

You can click here as well!
Here we are in the field gathering the ingredients:

In addition, there will be art for sale at the lunch. Outsider Artist Susan Brown has painted some invasive plants and fish for the occasion.

Clockwise: Blue Catfish, Lionfish, Kudzu, Japanese Knotweed, Dandelions, and Snakehead Fish. They may be purchased here online, or onsite at the lunch.
There will also be over 100 smaller summer themed paintings to choose from at $50 per painting.

We hope you can make it at this late date — June 11th between 11-3 in NYC. You can even order your If not, consider donating to GROWExternships. They are helping to connect young people to nature, teaching them how to be good local stewards.
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