On November 11th, Fifty volunteers came to help weed out at “The Roosevelt Estate” aka Meadow Croft in Sayville.
Category: Invasive Plants and Animals
Invasive Species and Our Natives: Essential Knowledge
It is imperative that we learn the difference between invasive species and native ones if we are to restore habitat on Long Island
The Spotted Lanternfly Can Be Defeated With Your Help
The negative impacts of the invasive spotted lanternfly have been detailed in Long Island and other publications, and while the population of these unwelcome insects continues to require intervention to prevent their unchecked spread across our region, there are steps that every Long Islander can take in their own backyard to protect against them.
The Spotted Lanternfly Has Arrived. We Must Prepare!
Can We Stop Importing Invasive Plants and Insects?
“Uninvited: The Spread Of Invasive Species”: A MUST VIEW!
The Dirty Dozen Campaign Begins
The Dirty Dozen Campaign names The Twelve Most UNWANTED Invasive Plants
Spotted Lanternfly: A Major Threat To Our Vineyards and Farms
The Spotted Lanternfly threatens our vineyards