The Future Is In Indoor Farming

Tomatoes ripening on hanging stalk in greenhouse, Industrial greenhouse to grow tomatoes.

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The Callery Pear Is Everywhere! And It Must Go!

Sunny view of Callery pear blossom in the campus of Oklahoma Christian University at Oklahoma

The Callery Pear, a popular street tree for some reason, is invasive. It’s seeds are carried by birds into our woods. It is a brittle tree, short lived, fast growing. It’s roots destroy sidewalks. Yet people are taken in for their supposed aesthetic beauty — the spring flowers and fall leaves.


The Right To Native Plants

Increasingly, people are challenging local zoning laws and home owner’s association rules governing how one maintains one’s yard, asserting our right to native plants


We Champion LI’s Native Plants

The Long Island Conservancy and Marshall Brown are champions for native plants and for local habitat restoration. We need to plant natives in our yards as habitat for local wildlife.


Save The American Beech!

Struggling To Live

The American Beech is in grave danger from Beech Leaf Disease. It’s a race for a cure.


It’s Time To Kill Your Lawn

Luxury house with freshly mown grass lawn. Home exterior.

Lawns are expensive, costly to the environment, to our health and well being.

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Destroying a Freshwater Wetland to Dump Dredge Spoils?

Bureaucratic momentum led to the destruction of rare habitat. We as Long Islanders and as New Yorkers need to take a lesson: We must begin to stand for what pockets of nature remain. If they go, then what?
