The Spotted Lanternfly threatens our vineyards
Author: marshall
Native Plants For Sale
Come to our “plant raising” July 27th and help Sayville go native!
Native Plants For Sale in Sayville!
Come to our Plant Raising. Native Plants for sale!
The Future Is In Indoor Farming
I Want A Native Lawn
It is time to replace your invasive grasses and weeds with a native lawn
Invasive Plants On The Menu
Local Stewardship: Rona Fried
Rona Fried is West Hills County Park’s local steward and benefactor. She is funding the removal of invasive plants and the establishment of an American Chestnut Mother Orchard and a seasonal wetland.
Wildflowers and Beer
The Long Island Conservancy was asked to speak at DubCo Brewery about the importance of planting native wildflowers as part of their For Science series, which focusses on environmental issues.
We Will Restore The American Chestnut
We have now a very promising method of returning The American Chestnut from extinction.
All it took was splicing in a wheat gene!
Earth Day at the Brewery
For this Earth Day, plant natives, as many as you can fit in your yard. Once they are established, say goodbye to watering, fertilizing, and create habitat for local wildlife.